Editor/Author: Lee Fee Khoon
Grade: 7
Category: Theory
Publisher: Rhythm MP
Order No.: MPW-3004-07
Bar Code: 9 556811 102309
ISBN-10: 967-985-469-8
ISBN-13: 978 967985469 5
Total Pages: 40
Weight: 180g
Book Size: 225mm X 300mm
Binding: Stapling
Series: Rhythm Concept Series
- 3 IN 1 Concept: Figuring the Bass, Bach's Chorale, Trio Sonata
- Guidelines on Identifying Music Scores Grade 6-8
- Guidelines On History Of Music Grade 6-8
- Guidelines On Technical Terms & Musical Devices Used In Musical Compositions Grade 6-8
- Guidelines on Melody Writing with Exercises Grade 6-8
- Guidelines on Figured Bass with Exercises Grade 6-8
- Guidelines on Harmony Grade 6-8
- Workbook on Harmony Grade 6
- Workbook on Harmony Grade 8
- Guidelines on the Instruments of the Orchestra
- In Preparation For The Theory Exams Grades 6 to 8
- An Introduction to 20th Century Music
- An Illustrated Workbook Guide to the Orchestra, Composers and their Music
- An Introductory Workbook Guide to Music Scores